Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chair Sketch

I enjoyed working on my sketch of this chair found in the Terrell Library (WSU). This sketch embodies the improvements that I have made with my sketching. First of all I drew lines straight across without feathering them. Also, the sketch shows texture and pattern in the fabrics of the chair. In the future I will manipulate various line weights to demonstrate different textures and materials of the chair (and other sketched objects). It was interesting to look at the chair from various perspectives because it made it easier to understand the proportions and how to sketch accurately. 

Fruit Sketch

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 For this sketch I worked on my ability to sketch with crosshatching. I experimented with shading in the fruits by crosshatching and eventually got to a point where I could confidently use the technique to depict shadows. I still feel like I can improve on the technique but this is a good start. Furthermore, I have a better understanding of proportions and perspective. The proportions of the sketch are relatively accurate but I had a few challenges with keeping the fruits in a realistic perspective, especially the banana

Key Sketch

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While working on this sketch I learned draw the basic outline of the sketched object and then add more details to portray a more realistic depiction. I have always had trouble in the past with making sketches proportionate but this technique helped me solve that problem. Furthermore, I learned to move along in my sketches even if mistakes are made. Most of the time one can simply add to the sketch to cover up mistakes.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Textile Pattern

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The textile is an interesting piece to work on because not only does it require the ability to use Photoshop but also research skills and an understanding of one’s heritage. At first it was difficult to conceive a pattern that embodies my heritage: German, Norwegian, and Ethiopian. However, as I explored the various elements and principles contained within the original graphics I eventually was able to manipulate the photos to complement one another. Then, I focused on developing a textile that would repeat well. This process took about one-quarter of the total time I spent working on the pattern. Overall, I am pleased but would change the layout so that it is more fluid.

Geometric Pattern

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This pattern is the first work I created using Photoshop. The aspects of the pattern I like are the high contrast and the pattern layout. The deep blues and bright orange with yellow create a pleasing complementary contrast. One thing I would change is the saturation of the colors. The images are all highly saturated and changing the saturation will make the composition more aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, the corners did not line up and if I were to redo the pattern I would be sure to spend more time fitting/aligning the different images.