Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Through the process of creating a professional resume I learned many things. First, I learned what employers are looking for in a resume. It is important to emphasize the traits that you will indefinitely use in a job. Some of the skills and experiences I included on my resume before revising it were not necessary and were less helpful than I thought. Also, I recognized how much I have developed my computer skills over the school year. Instead of writing personality traits/skills on the resume, I was able to write computer program skills that I have obtained. This project also allowed me to learn much more about InDesign and Illustrator and how to use them to get the effect that I want. Overall, I learned a lot working on my resume and feel much more prepared for future career related endeavors.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This logo reflects my design philosophy. I focused on nature, human interactions, and culture. I wanted this design to be basic but not boring. I decided to use my initials as a clear recognizable symbol of my philosophy. Also, I made the 'B'  look like a flower or leaves to depict a natural look, showing my emphasis on nature in my design work. I learned a lot about the Adobe Illustrator program and its uses in design work by working on various trial logos. I have become much more efficient with the program and feel comfortable using it for future projects.