Thursday, May 5, 2011

Negative Space Sketch and Erased Negative Space Sketch

This sketch is one that I struggled with a lot. In the beginning I thought that a negative sketch just changed all the values to the opposite. The white parts were black and the dark parts would become white. However, I eventually realized that it is much more an analysis of the space around the
objects rather than the color or value of the object. Once I understood this idea it was much easier to complete the sketch. 

This sketch is one of my favorites because it came so easily. I could definitely see my understanding of negative space coming into play. In the future I would not change much. However, I did learn the importance of keeping your arms and fingers lead free because it can get onto parts of the sketch that it should not be on. I used another piece of paper to rest my arm on while I sketched. A helpful tip I will probably use in the future. 

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